Foul Water Drainage Design

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Foul Water Drainage Design

Foul water is any wastewater coming from toilets, urinals, sinks, showers, baths, dishwashers and washing machines. This foul water is then discharged appropriately into the foul or combined sewage network, a water drainage design that eventually conveys the foul water into treatment plants.
In rural areas where there is no wastewater network in the vicinity of the site, the foul water drainage from any proposed development can be conveyed into a septic tank or small wastewater treatment tank. Through this foul water drainage design, water is discharged either into the ground in a drainage field, or for the latter, into a nearby ditch or watercourse. However, consultation with the Environment Agency may be required in order to confirm the discharge requirements for this.

The Importance of foul water drainage design

Foul water drainage design must be tailored to any new development and planning a foul drainage system requires an assessment of the requirements of the site, the location and depth of the local foul sewage network, and the expected peak foul flow from the development that needs to be conveyed to this.
During this assessment, we will always endeavour to look for cost-effective gravity lead solutions, however, in instances where discharge by gravity is not feasible, we can liaise with pump suppliers in order to provide a workable solution.
We can also work with the relevant water authorities to design sewer diversions and obtain the necessary agreements for these, as well as sewer build over agreements where required.

Experts In Foul Water Drainage Design

We provide a fully comprehensive below ground foul water drainage design service, for small to large commercial, industrial and residential developments. Working closely with our clients to produce the most cost-effective and workable solution for their foul water drainage strategy provides the best results for them and the environment.
Our expert staff are always on hand to provide guidance from the inception of the project, right through to construction, as well as providing maintenance advice.
All of our designs are produced in accordance with Part H of the building regulations, Sewers for Adoption (8th Edition), or Sewers for Scotland (4th Edition).
If you would like more information on our drainage design services or would like to obtain a quote, then please do not hesitate to contact us at

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