Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems & Surface Water Drainage Design

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Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems & Surface Water Drainage Design

Sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS), as the name suggests, are sustainable methods of controlling, treating and conveying surface water, which replicate natural processes by slowing flows and disposing of water as close to the source as possible.
In addition, they can provide the added benefits of creating habitats and amenities through the introduction of green infrastructure.
You can find out more about SuDS and what to know for SuDS assessments, but providing the most feasible and cost-effective solutions is critical to getting your project underway efficiently.
Whether for small residential sites requiring percolation tests and soakaway design, or larger sites where a management train approach may be needed, a transparent SuDS report and comprehensive SuDS design are essential.
suds illustration

Are SuDS Compulsory?

The use of SuDS are now a requirement across the UK, and the majority of local plans and strategies include a requirement for SuDS. Therefore it is unlikely that planning approval will be granted, or in some circumstances the discharge of conditions relating to surface water will not be agreed, until the proposals include an appropriate SuDS scheme.
We have a proven track record in providing calculations and detail design drawings; working with clients and liaising with relevant authorities to ensure the most appropriate solutions are employed. Our SuDS reports can include as much, or as little of the following as is required by the relevant local authority:

What's Included in a Sustainable Drainage Assessment?

Flood Risk Assessment, assessing the flood risk from all sources, and providing mitigation measures where necessary (this is required to accompany the planning applications for all major developments within a flood zone 1)
  • Pre and post development surface water run off calculations
  • Pre / Post development contributing area and exceedance route plans
  • Percolation tests to BRE365
  • BRE365 Soakaway Sizing Calculations
  • Surface water attenuation calculations
  • Discussion of SuDS hierarchy in line with the local and national policies
  • Proposed SuDS strategy in line with local and national policies
  • Outline SuDS design Layout plans
  • Detailed SuDS Design plans, for construction
  • Management and maintenance plans for the SuDS for the lifetime of the development

Nimbus SuDS Services

Our experts also have extensive experience in designing:
  • Soakaways;
  • Attenuation devices;
  • Permeable paving;
  • Swales;
  • Filter strips;
  • Wetlands and ponds;
  • Rainwater harvesting systems;
  • Green roofs;
  • Infiltration basins;
  • Infiltration trenches;
  • Detention basins
  • Filter Drains
  • Bioretention
If you would like more information on the services that we provide or would like to obtain a quote, then please do not hesitate to contact us at

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